This document will cover our Digital New Movers suite of products. You will learn what the different types of Digital Movers are, how to build audiences, and some best practices for them.
Digital Movers Product Suite
Digital New Movers is an audience generation tool that gives our clients the ability to target households in each stage of the moving lifecycle. From households that have just been listed on the market, to households that were recently sold, this tool allows you to reach and advertise to those individuals when their propensity to make a home-related purchase is at its highest.
Users can build audiences organized by ZIP code that contain houses in each of the 3 mover types listed below. Once a mover type and ZIP codes have been selected, those addresses are run through our patented IP matching algorithm.
Digital Pre-Movers
Households in this mover type are currently listed for sale in an online or offline publication. Pre-Mover audiences have proven to be very effective when utilized by mortgage companies.
Digital Pre Movers in Escrow
This mover type is households with a contractual agreement to sell the home. Pre-Mover in Escrow audiences have proven effective when used by storage companies and credit companies.
Digital New Mover
This mover type is households where new owners have moved into homes within the last 90 days. New Movers is a popular targeting choice because households in this audience have a high propensity to buy home goods at this time. Furniture, lawn care, home security, and other home goods companies are common use cases for this target type.
How to Create a Digital Movers Audience
Step 1: Open the navigation menu on the left side and select “Create” under the “Audiences” section.
Step 2: Select “Digital New Mover”.
Step 3: Enter ZIP codes to target.
For a few ZIP codes: type the ZIP-codes individually
For many ZIP codes: utilize the wildcard feature. Type an asterisk (*) after the first few numbers in the ZIP code. This feature will capture all ZIPs starting with the first number sequence. (i.e. 402** will capture all ZIP codes beginning with 402). You can also copy and paste a list of ZIPs into the text box.
Step 4: Once you have the ZIP codes you want to target you can select if you want to target “Pre Movers”, “Escrow Movers”, or “New Movers”. Note that you can select more than one option.
Step 5: Now you can create your campaign (we require a minimum of 500 matched targets for DNM initiatives) and attach the audience from your audience library.
Step 6: Submit your campaign for approval.
Step 7: Serve ads to the audience created.
Best Practices
Avoid rural areas that have few homes in the ZIP code. ZIP codes that do not have many homes will return few matches because we are relying on the moving behavior of people in those areas.
Typically, areas with longer colder periods do not return as many matches. In these areas, try to include as many ZIP codes as possible if you are trying to target many homes.
Q: How often is New Mover data updated?
A: New Mover data is refreshed weekly.
Q: How does the New Movers product identify households?
A: New Movers targets a household depending on where they are in the home buying process based on ZIP codes inputted by the user.
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