This document will serve as an instructional guide to the Map Polygon product, including what Map Polygon is, how to create an audience using Map Polygon, and some best practices. Map Polygon is a tool that allows you to draw a shape, which we refer to as GeoFrame, on a map to identify the IP addresses that originate from within that shape. This audience type allows you to deliver ads in real-time to anyone who is actively connected to the networks identified in the Map Polygon audience.
How to Create a Map Polygon Audience
Step 1: Click on ‘Create’ in the Navigation Pane on the left-hand side under the ‘Audiences’ section.
Step 2: Select the ‘Map Polygon’ tile from the options shown.
Step 3: Click on the Icon in the top right-hand corner of the map interface - the triangle with circles at each point. Clicking this icon places you in GeoFrame Mode. You can also select the search icon from the lefthand side of the map interface to pinpoint the specific address or area you would like to GeoFrame. To exit GeoFrame Mode, click the button in the top right-hand corner again.
Step 4: Once you are in GeoFrame Mode, you can begin drawing GeoFrames around the area(s) you want to target with ads. Once the first point is placed, at least two additional points must be placed, with the final point connecting back with the first point to complete the shape. Please note: you can use as many points as necessary to create the GeoFrame accurately.
Step 5: Once all GeoFrames have been drawn, name the audience by clicking in the corresponding text box in the pane on the right, under “Audience Details,” then add any additional notes and click the “Save” button directly below.
Step 6: From here, the audience can be used in campaigns by being selected from the Audience Library during campaign creation. For instructions on how to create a campaign, please see: Creating a Campaign and Order Lines – El Toro Support Center
Best Practices
Make sure to precisely outline selected locations. It is important to ensure polygons are only as large as they need to be to target as many within the intended audience as possible.
Limit the number of GeoFrames to 8 per audience, and size to less than 1 square mile per GeoFrame for optimal targeting.
If you are targeting large events such as a convention, and you want to make sure to capture the largest audience you can, try to target other areas where attendees are likely to be. For example, also GeoFraming hotels where you know attendees are staying would increase the size of the audience being targeted.
Q: Does this tool identify devices?
A: No, this tool only identifies the IP addresses of publicly-facing networks that are located within the drawn GeoFrame.
Q: Will this tool continue to target people after they’ve left the GeoFramed area?
A: No, this tool only directs ads to the public-facing networks within the GeoFrame. This renders anyone not connected to those networks at the time of scheduled ad serve ineligible to receive an impression. Our tool for targeting people who have visited a location in the past is called Venue Replay.
Q: Can I draw more than one GeoFrame in an audience?
A: Yes! The maximum number of GeoFrames per audience is 8. The recommended maximum size of each polygon is 1 square mile.
Q: Can I draw GeoFrames around neighborhoods or other residential areas?
A: Map Polygon is not recommended for targeting residential areas. Consider our Digital Canvassing tool as a potential solution or use a ZIP code list to target homes within one or more ZIP codes. Please reach out to your sales executive with any further questions.
To request support, follow the steps in the article below or contact us at support@eltoro.com and we’ll be happy to help.
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